How to make
a claim
Find out how to make a claim on any of your Audi insurance policies

Call the 24-Hour Claims Helpline on:
0333 043 3780Alternatively you can report an incident by completing a claims notification form

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Please enter your claim number and registration to track your repair.

This claim has already been resolved. If this isn't correct please try again or call 0333 043 3780 to speak to an advisor.
Your claim number and/or vehicle registration was not recognised. Please try again or call 0333 043 3780 to speak to an advisor.
Sorry, but we are having problems with the service. Please call 0333 043 3780 to talk to advisor or alternatively try again later. Error code: {{result.ErrorCode}}
The status of your repair could not be retrieved. Please call 0333 043 3780 to speak to an advisor.
Personal details
Driver name | {{proclaimResult.DriverName}} |
Vehicle registration | {{proclaimResult.VehicleReg}} |
Current status | {{$.claimStatus[proclaimResult.ClaimStatus]}} |
Vehicle make | {{proclaimResult.VehicleMake}} |
Vehicle model | {{proclaimResult.VehicleModel}} |
Repairer details
Centre name | {{proclaimResult.RepairerName}} |
Repair address |
{{proclaimResult.RepairerAddress1}} {{proclaimResult.RepairerAddress2}} {{proclaimResult.RepairerAddress3}} {{proclaimResult.RepairerPostCode}} |
- Vehicle on site
- Vehicle estimated
- Repairs started
- Repairs completed
- Vehicle returned
Repair progress
Accident date | {{proclaimResult.AccidentDate}} |
Date accident reported | {{proclaimResult.DateAccidentReported}} |
Date estimate authorised | {{proclaimResult.DateEstimateAuthorised}} |
Estimated completion date | {{proclaimResult.EstimatedCompletionDate}} |
Date vehicle returned | {{proclaimResult.DateVehicleReturned}} |
- Step 1
Insurance information
- Step 2
You and your car
- Step 3
What happened
- Step 4
Additional info
- Step 5
Please enter the details below to begin your claim
Please provide the vehicle's current location
Please enter your details below

Please enter the drivers details below
If you would prefer to talk to an advisor, please call 0333 043 3780, we're happy to take all the information over the phone.
Important note: Please use the above ‘back’ button if you wish to review or update the previous step. Using the back button on your web browser will navigate you away from this page and you will lose any details that you have already entered.
Please provide as much information as possible about the incident

If you would prefer to talk to an advisor, please call 0333 043 3780, we're happy to take all the information over the phone.
Important note: Please use the above ‘back’ button if you wish to review or update the previous step. Using the back button on your web browser will navigate you away from this page and you will lose any details that you have already entered.
Please provide as much information as you can regarding other people involved, and any witnesses.
Third Party Driver information
Witness information

If you would prefer to talk to an advisor, please call 0333 043 3780, we're happy to take all the information over the phone.
Important note: Please use the above ‘back’ button if you wish to review or update the previous step. Using the back button on your web browser will navigate you away from this page and you will lose any details that you have already entered.
Please review the details of your claim below. You can update any details by selecting the button below each section before submitting your claim.
Registration number | {{$.regPlate}} |
Ensurance policy number | {{$.ensurancePolicyNumber}} |
Motor insurer | {{$.comprehensiveMotorInsurer}} |
Motor insurance policy number | {{$.comprehensiveMotorInsurancePolicyNumber}} |
Type of incident | {{ SC.TypeOfAccident() }} |
Is the vehicle still drivable | {{$.isVehicleDrivable | yesNo}} |
Vehicle Location Details
House/building number | {{$.vehicleLocationDetails.houseNameNumber}} |
Address line 1 | {{$.vehicleLocationDetails.addressLine1}} |
Address line 2 | {{$.vehicleLocationDetails.addressLine2}} |
County | {{$.vehicleLocationDetails.county}} |
Post code | {{$.vehicleLocationDetails.postcode}} |
Your Address
Title | {{$.personalDetails.title}} |
First name | {{$.personalDetails.firstName}} |
Surname | {{$.personalDetails.surname}} |
House/building number | {{$.personalDetails.houseNameNumber}} |
Address line 1 | {{$.personalDetails.addressLine1}} |
Address line 2 | {{$.personalDetails.addressLine2}} |
County | {{$.personalDetails.county}} |
Post code | {{$.personalDetails.postcode}} |
Preferred telephone number | {{$.personalDetails.telephoneNumber}} |
Vehicle make | Audi |
Vehicle model | {{$.personalDetails.vehicleModel}} |
Vehicle registration | {{$.personalDetails.vehicleRegistration}} |
Were you driving at the time of the incident? | {{$.claimantWasDriving | yesNo }} |
Driver Details
Title | {{$.driverDetails.title}} |
First name | {{$.driverDetails.firstName}} |
Surname | {{$.driverDetails.surname}} |
House/building number | {{$.driverDetails.houseNameNumber}} |
Address line 1 | {{$.driverDetails.addressLine1}} |
Address line 2 | {{$.driverDetails.addressLine2}} |
County | {{$.driverDetails.county}} |
Post code | {{$.driverDetails.postcode}} |
Preferred telephone number | {{$.driverDetails.telephoneNumber}} |
About the incident
Incident date | {{$.incidentDate}} |
Incident location | {{$.incidentLocation}} |
Time of incident | {{$.incidentTime}} |
Brief description of the incident | {{$.incidentDescription}} |

Third Party Driver information
Third Party Driver
Title | {{thirdParty.title}} |
First name | {{thirdParty.firstName}} |
Surname | {{thirdParty.surname}} |
House/building number | {{thirdParty.houseNameNumber}} |
Address line 1 | {{thirdParty.addressLine1}} |
Address line 2 | {{thirdParty.addressLine2}} |
County | {{thirdParty.county}} |
Postcode | {{thirdParty.postcode}} |
Preferred telephone number | {{thirdParty.telephoneNumber}} |
Vehicle registration | {{thirdParty.vehicleRegistration}} |
Vehicle make | {{thirdParty.vehicleMake}} |
Vehicle model | {{thirdParty.vehicleModel}} |
Insurance company | {{thirdParty.insuranceCompany}} |
Policy number | {{thirdParty.insurancePolicyNumber}} |
Witness information
Title | {{witness.title}} |
First name | {{witness.firstName}} |
Surname | {{witness.surname}} |
House/building number | {{witness.houseNameNumber}} |
Address line 1 | {{witness.addressLine1}} |
Address line 2 | {{witness.addressLine2}} |
County | {{witness.county}} |
Postcode | {{witness.postcode}} |
Preferred telephone number | {{witness.telephoneNumber}} |
Independent witness? | {{witness.isIndependent == "Y" ? "Yes" : "No"}} |
Call Back
When would you like us to call you back?
Important note: Please use the above ‘back’ button if you wish to review or update the previous step. Using the back button on your web browser will navigate you away from this page and you will lose any details that you have already entered.
This form is currently unavailable.
Please try again or contact our customer services team.